Editorial Policy for Airline Facts
AirlineFacts.com is committed to providing accurate, reliable, and insightful content about the airline industry. All of our articles are created by writers to ensure the highest quality and relevance for our readers. While we sometimes leverage AI tools to assist in research, fact-checking, and content optimization, the final articles are written, reviewed, and published by human beings.
Fact-Checking Policy
All information published on airlinefacts.com is fact-checked by our editorial team. We verify data against reputable sources and cross-check facts to ensure that our readers receive the most reliable and up-to-date information available. If we leverage AI tools to assist in research and fact-checking, our editorial team will cross-check the information to ensure that the details provided are correct and up-to-date.
Corrections Policy
If any inaccuracies are identified in our published content, we will promptly correct them. We take the accuracy of our articles very seriously. We strive to ensure that all of our articles are up-to-date and correct. If any inaccuracies are found, readers are encouraged to report this to airlinefactsofficial@gmail.com.
Media Policy for External Videos
On pages dedicated to individual airlines, we embed external videos from platforms like YouTube to enhance our content. These videos are provided for informational and educational purposes. Please be aware that external videos are not controlled or created by AirlineFacts.com. We are not responsible for the accuracy, quality, or legality of the content in these videos.
Additionally, we strive to link only to videos that comply with copyright laws. If you believe that any linked video infringes on your rights, please contact us for review. Please note that the inclusion of external videos does not imply endorsement or recommendation by AirlineFacts.com of the views, products, or services presented within them.
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